The Wallowa mountains of northeastern Oregon are one of the state's crown jewels. They include the Eagle Cap Wilderness, a hiker's paradise. For those traveling up the East Fork Lostine River, Mirror Lake is a popular first night's camp. Early in the fall of 2002 I spent three days there and had pleasant weather. In the summer months it can be crowded, but later in the season there was the peace and quiet I was seeking. On this still morning the lake lived up to its name, and there was a touch of alpenglow on Eagle Cap. After several trips to the area I have many photographs, but this one comes closest to distilling the grandeur of the place into one image. When I left for home the next day the rope I used to hang my food out of the reach of bears got stuck in a tree. I had to cut off what I could salvage and leave the rest behind. Having this picture as a gift from such a special place, I will be back to repay the favor and find a way to take down that rope.