Scotland isn't the only place to see fields of heather; the
Northwest Cascades have them too. This one is on Oregon's Mt. Hood.
It was a beautiful sight in 2001 when I took this photo. Like most
wildflowers, heather has good and bad years. Differences in snowpack,
rainfall, and temperature can greatly influence how well subalpine flowers grow
each season. I haven't seen it as good on
the mountain since then. The unusual depth of perspective shows the deep
pink, small 3/16" (4mm) flowers up close at the bottom extending to the
distant ridge far uphill. It's made possible by using a view camera, which
allows the lens to be raised above the normal center position while keeping the
back vertical. If an ordinary 35mm or digital SLR were used the camera
would need to be tilted upward and this would distort the trees and ridgeline
noticeably. This species is pink mountain-heather, Phyllodoce
empetriformis. Heather fields in the Cascades aren't roadside
attractions; finding them requires hiking into wilderness areas.
While I was setting up the shot a fellow photographer happened by with a 35mm
camera. We talked for a while. He looked through his viewfinder but
couldn't get a shot he liked. He asked to see what the composition looked
like on my camera's ground glass and saw immediately that there was a photo he
couldn't take. I hadn't been shooting 4x5 film very long at that time but
the afternoon's experience cemented in my mind the idea that the view camera was
the best way to create the photos of the landscape I was seeking.